Printmaking Workshop
At the VASE art show in San Marcos, Texas, a group of students worked together to create a unique alphabet using foam block printing. Each student made a letter and was responsible for stamping their letter on every other student's paper. The papers rotated around the room until everyone had their original paper with a complete alphabet.
Each student printed their own work in magenta ink for their own work and in black on every other page, ensuring a unique and identifiable print for each student.

Overview of Type Classifications
Prior to each student making a letter, we had a discussion about classifications of typography and the different types of letters commonly designed. Students could style their creation on a single category or make up something entirely different.

Students also received a brief handout with instructions for creating their foam block print as well as an activity to do once they had finished printing their work.

Student Outcomes
Because the ink is water-based and dries quickly, students could take their work home with them after the workshop. Space was limited, but students still managed to make great prints.