End Tag and Promotional Video
The initial direction for the film festival came from deep analysis of which films would be viewed during the event. These films are Rashomon, Karakter, Open Your Eyes, Hero, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Three Times, Annihilation, I’m Not There, Whiplash, and Moon.
The final concept of undulation and its ties to earlier words about identity, thought, and mind all combined into a uniqueness that showcases how personal perception changes after viewing a certain caliber of films.
Brand Identity
Undulation is the action of smoothly moving up and down, but the waves are not exact copies as they are unique to themselves. It is the process of change in the mind and reaches starts internally and branches out into the world.
The typographic treatment uses a shifted baseline for each letter to enhance the feeling of undulation. The colors are applied with a multiply effect to create a sense of layering with addition generated colors from a simpler palette.

Creation of Letters
Creation of Letters shows zoomed in forms that will ultimately be revealed as the letters making up the work Undulation. The titles of the films included in the festival will slowly follow the forms and mirror the movement of the shapes as they overlap, grow, and move into place. Before the reveal of the end tag, a line depicting the nature of the film festival and the connection between motion, thought, and undulation will linger.
The end tag will show with all the letters moving in full view, giving the viewer the complete thought. A mixture of dissonant piano sounds accompany the movements of the shapes and transition into a simpler set of sounds as the text and logo resolve.
Each letter still has its own style of animation, but the typography for each film name follows a consistent set of hierarchy rules. The quote before the end tag is now integrated into the letter creation process rather than being a screen all on it’s own. To further the unification of the letters, each is separated by a fade to a blank screen. The end tag is still a dynamic version of the logo that is constantly in motion, without moving too much that would otherwise decrease readability.